9-Step Surviving Plan to Combat Delhi-Like Smog Situation
The recent smog in Delhi and alarming increase in pollution level has all of us worried. The steep increase in the cases of allergy, asthma attack and respiratory ailments has definitely prompted us to wake up from deep slumber and do something about it. Yes, indeed there are several apps and digital air purifiers but is that it? Isn’t we have been doing that only? Taking temporary measures even during desperate times?
In fact even in the 1980s, NASA released a list of houseplants that purify the air in indoor space as well as filter the volatile organic compound. And it has been observed that indoor air is far more polluted than the outdoor air and when pollution in the outdoor air is breaking all records, it is obvious to be wary and take all necessary measures that you can. CityFlowers urges you to go to the extra mile to bring a change and there can’t be a better way than being a change itself.
Hence, here is redux of indoor air plants that can make a sea difference to your lifestyle.
But first, let’s understand why indoor air quality is such a big deal?
Technology and science has indeed made our lives better than ever. We have a face wash that can take the grime and dust off our faces in a few splashes. The air condition that can make you relish the weather of hill station in the summer weather or the refrigerator, which you cannot imagine your life without, these have turned out to be necessary evil that have to be here with us but in turn are turning the ecosystem and air polluted than ever.
Moreover, the outdoor contamination from car smoke and exhausts also increase the indoor pollution. In metro cities where proper ventilation in flats and houses is a constant problem, it becomes even more important that the pollution levels are kept in check there. Otherwise the buildup of pollen, bacteria, dust and molds as well as contaminants can give you a ‘sick syndrome’ resulting in itchiness or redness in eyes, watery eyes, respiration problems, nausea and headache.
So, to avoid such a situation, City Flowers gives you a 9-step combat plan. And the awesome part is that the weaponry here is affordable, easy to maintain and 100% beneficial for all! No side effects at all!
Scroll down to know!
- Spider Plant: If this is the first time you are going for an indoor plant or don’t have much time for the maintenance of the plants, then it should be your choice. You can keep them near the window that gets bright sunlight and water it whenever you see the soil getting dry. Rest, it doesn’t demand much care or attention. The plant is known to filter formaldehyde and xylene.
- Dracena: It is a very common houseplant, which can be seen at workplaces too. It requires variants of pollutants ranging from xylene, benzene and formaldehyde to trichloroethylene. The wide leaves of this foliage plant are toxic to pets such as cats and dogs. So, if you have pets at home, you may want to steer clear of this green beauty.
- Peace Lily: This beautiful and pristine flowery plant packs in a punch when it comes to the air-cleaning ability. It can filter out pollutants like benzene, trichloroethylene, ammonia and formaldehydes. The plant is low on maintenance and don’t require much of schedule for watering either. Since the plant has flowers, you may avoid keeping a lot in one room. If you are allergic to pollen or even the mildest of fragrances, it is advised that you don’t plant one at home. Peace lily loves cool spots and moist yet well-drained soil.
- Bamboo Palm: This is one of the most loved Zen plant. Bamboo is considered to be very auspicious and lucky in Zen and for all the right reasons. Not just it provides calm and serene ambience to the interior space but also filters formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene effectively. Keep bamboo near the space where it can get full sun. In bright Sun, bamboo can grow up to 12 feet high, as tall as it can be in its natural habitat.
- Aloe Vera: We all know the beauty benefits of aloe vera but little do we know about the wonders this gel plant can do when it comes to remove pollutants like formaldehyde. So, next time when you are gushing about how this anti-bacterial plant has helped you give even skin, don’t forget to add its air purifying effect too! The latter might not be visible as the former but rest assured that it has been scientifically proven.
- Boston fern: Boston fern loves indirect light and high humidity. Apart from these aspects, they can do with almost as much as neglect and care. To maintain the humidity, you need to provide them with a good soaking bath once-a-month. Even in routine, the soil should remain moist yet well-drained. The plant is said to remove pollutants like xylene and formaldehyde.
- Ficus: Ficus usually grows as a tree and is native to Southeast Asia. However, it can be grown indoors as a hardy and miniature version of its native form. It is a hardy tree and is believed to filter pollutants like trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde effectively. The tree requires water, bright yet indirect sunlight however you should ensure that you give proper time to soil to dry between the watering schedules.
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- Rubber Plant: Rubber plant is one easy on maintenance and carefree plant. The slight downside of aesthetic part is made up to you by their power-packing ability of clean the air off formaldehyde. The rubber plant can withstand dim of the cubicles. For offices and interior spaces where most of the furniture is made of particleboard and glues, it is very important to place them. Offices and home offices which see lots of use of Xerox machines and printers, should definitely plant them to counter-effect the impact of air-borne dangerous chemicals.
- Golden Pothos: Commonly known as Money Plant, golden pothos is one of the most common indoor house plants, which also removes formaldehyde along with other air pollutants. This one is a survivor and can withstand toughest of the neglects. Highly recommended if you are a newbie at indoor gardening or don’t have much time to care for the plants.
So folks, hope these 9 steps plan helps you to tackle the pollution and rising indoor air pollution in the near and long run. Plant them now and give your kids and family a better as well as prepared and healthy future! After all, clean air is a right and shouldn’t be a privilege but this is us who have to take the first step towards it!