From Planting TO Making DAFFODIL Flowers - Learn Daffodil Flower

With its early flowering and beautiful golden color, daffodil heralds are masters of spring. As early as February when the tulips are not yet out, these flowers bring smiles in the gardens. I’ll tell you all about planting bulbs and maintenance of these plants and how easy it is to grow it.


  • Presentation of this plant
  • Description of this product
  • Planting method
  • Growing tips
  • Daffodil: planting and cultivation

Introduction of this plant

How to make a bouquet of daffodilsdaffodil bouquet

In everyday language, we call yellow daffodil narcissus or daffodil trumpet (Narcissus pseudonarcissus), a bulbous plant of the genus Narcissus and family Amaryllidaceae.This herald’s spring flower is attributed to many common names such as Jeannette yellow narcissus or false.

This bulbous plant, native to the Mediterranean basin, is very common in gardens although its parts (bulbs, stems, leaves and flowers) are toxic. With its flowers bright yellow, it indeed offers a delightful spectacle in massive, rock gardens or even stew.

Description of this productplant description

Daffodil is a perennial herb that falls into the category of spring flowering bulbs. It measures on average between 20 and 40 cm high and is characterized by a smooth stem and leaves, flat, fleshy, still clustered at the base of the plant. Its foliage is deciduous. This plant blooms from early February. Its flowering is short, about 15 days. It is possible to stagger bloom until May planting bulbs to partial shade.

Each flower, yellow, is lonely at the top of its stem. It is composed of three petals and three sepals petal-like, and a sort of 'tube' inner flared contour sometimes serrated. The six "petals" deploy radially around the central tube. Depending on the cultivar, flowers are more or less fragrant. But beware, their smell is heady and can cause headaches!

Planting methoddaffodil planting

To enjoy the daffodils at the end of the winter or early spring bulbs should be planted in autumn (September-November). This plant does well in ordinary soil but rather flourishes best in rich soil. She likes the sun but also accepts partial shade exposure.

Here planting method Daffodil:

  • Make a hole about three times the height of the bulb
  • Make sure the soil is well drained so that the bulb does not rot
  • If necessary, add a handful of sand in the hole
  • Plant each bulb tip up

Note: it is advisable to plant your bulbs in groups of 8 or 10 minimum for creating pretty spots of color. Just observe a spacing of 5 cm between each bulb.

It is recommended to vary the exposure (the sun and partial shade) for a bloom at different times, from February to May

Growing tips

Daffodils are a must in the gardens because they are easy to grow and very resistant to cold (-15 ° C), pests and diseases. This plant is only susceptible to rotting. This is why watering should be moderate. Do not soak the bulbs as they may rot! Importantly, limit bringing some manure in winter and remove the leaves when they have turned yellow.

Warning: do not cut the leaves before because the plant constitutes reserves for the next year! Once the leaves are yellow, you can cut the stems at ground level, and they’ll grow back the following winter.

If you've done in group plantings, unscrew the bulbs every 2 or 3 years old, in September.

How to make a bouquet of daffodilsdaffodil bouquet

Harbingers of spring, beautiful daffodils can be gathered into beautiful bouquets.

Daffodils or Narcissus are beautiful flowers that bloom in spring and early summer. Also affordable, they will make your bridal bouquet.

Here are some tips to make a bouquet of daffodils that will shine in your hands during the ceremony. Maybe you just want a bouquet of daffodils to walk on the street.making daffodil bouquet

Step 1 Whether at your florist, supermarket or in your garden, choose daffodils whose flowers are healthy and intact stems. Before starting, remove the leaves and unnecessary leaves on each stem.

Step 2 Launch the bouquet: choose the largest flower and the most perfect, put it in the center. Hold it in one hand and adding the other flowers around it. Add daffodils of various colors, or other complementary flowers. Each time you add a flower, point head toward you and rotate the bouquet. You will give the bouquet a round shape of your choice.

Step 3 The size and shape of the bouquet satisfy you? Hold the stems together with a rubber band or tape florist. Secure well the flowers at the base of the head, so that they do not fall. Try to maintain a round, symmetrical shape. Attach the middle of stems with a rubber band or tape florist.

Step 4 Cut the stem ends to equalize the length of the bouquet. Carry out this operation under a running tap water to hydrate the flowers. Gently pat the stems with a paper towel to dry. Spray a cloud of water on the flowers.

Step 5 Here is the time to have fun and make room for creativity. Cover the elastic or ribbon florist in the middle of the stem to the "handful" of your bouquet. Some decorating ideas:

Wrap a silk ribbon (color-matched to your dress) around the elastic or florist tape and secure it with pins round head. Choose decorative pins or buttons recalling the details of your dress; Add a row of antique beads or antique brooch on the front of the handle;

Play with textures by winding the string over the silk; Do the opposite: the elastic cover or florist tape a small piece of burlap and add a silk ribbon or fabric to soften the blow.

Step 6 For the night, do not forget to place your bouquet in a small container filled with water, put in the fridge. After being pierced by decorative pins, daffodils will fade quickly. So choose a moment close to the ceremony to make the bouquet.